Tag Archives: disney

[Miscellaneous] Awards/Tags — The Disney Book Tag

Miscellaneous is the tagline to store random posts that don’t really belong elsewhere. They may involve tags, awards, challenges, and other book blogging nonsense.


What’s Miscellaneous Today?
The Disney Book Tag

I was tagged by Stefani @ Caught Read Handed. Thanks, you!

I think I’m a moderate Disney fan? I haven’t seen all the movies but a good chunk of them. I saw the Descendants this week and it was legit if High School Musical and Fairy Tales birthed a child. Plotting was questionable. Acting was what you expect from Disney. It was so-so.

But onward with this tag!

Continue reading [Miscellaneous] Awards/Tags — The Disney Book Tag

[Alternatives] – Movies – Into The Woods

Alternatives is the tagline feature for other forms of entertainment outside of discussing literature. These posts may encompass television, movies, games, and music with a randomized flavour of the moment approach to each post.

Movies – Into The Woods

Genre: Musical, Fantasy, Family, Comedy, Retellings
Duration: 124 Minutes
Directed By:
Rob Marshall
Screenplay By:
 James Lapine
Music and Lyrics By: Stephen Sondheim

“INTO THE WOODS” is a modern twist on several of the beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tales, intertwining the plots of a few choice stories and exploring the consequences of the characters’ wishes and quests. This humorous and heartfelt musical follows the classic tales of Cinderella (Anna Kendrick), Little Red Riding Hood (Lilla Crawford), Jack and the Beanstalk (Daniel Huttlestone), and Rapunzel (MacKenzie Mauzy)-all tied together by an original story involving a baker and his wife (James Corden & Emily Blunt), their wish to begin a family and their interaction with the witch (Meryl Streep) who has put a curse on them.

I have to preface that everything below is made by a viewer who hasn’t seen the original Sondheim and Lapine musical. So look elsewhere for commentary regarding its faithfulness. All I can say is both of them have been credited to being on board alongside Disney in the making of this film.

Into The Woods (2014) - Movie PosterInto the Woods strikes me as a movie-musical that is easily accessible and can appreciated by non-musical goers. The intertwining stories are driven by the Baker and his wife as they learn of a curse placed on their home to which has caused for the barrenness of a child. The Witch details how the curse can be lifted given a limited time-frame of three midnights; and it is a journey which weaves the fables of Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, and Jack of Beanstalk fame into one seamless narrative.

Continue reading [Alternatives] – Movies – Into The Woods