Tag Archives: debut authors

[Top Ten Tuesday] – #88 – Anticipated Early 2016 Book Releases

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. I thought this would be a fun way to share a condensed version of potential rambles and thoughts that I have.


This Week’s Theme:
Anticipated Early 2016 Book Releases

Initial Thoughts:

Some of these will be repeats of previous posts and you may have commented on them already BUT OH WELL.

Continue reading [Top Ten Tuesday] – #88 – Anticipated Early 2016 Book Releases

[Top Ten Tuesday] – #82 – Debut Authors Sophomore Novels I Needed Yesterday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. I thought this would be a fun way to share a condensed version of potential rambles and thoughts that I have.


This Week’s Theme:
Debut Authors Sophomore Novels
I Needed Yesterday

Initial Thoughts:

With so many 2014/15 debuts still to read, I split this list into halfsies between debuts to which I’ve already read and need more of and books that I’m pretty sure I’ll be invested enough to want to read more from that author.

Continue reading [Top Ten Tuesday] – #82 – Debut Authors Sophomore Novels I Needed Yesterday