Tag Archives: blogging

[Miscellaneous] Awards/Tags — Summer Reader Book Tag

Miscellaneous is the tagline to store random posts that don’t really belong elsewhere. They may involve tags, awards, challenges, and other book blogging nonsense.


What’s Miscellaneous Today?
Summer Reader Book Tag

Annnnnnnd we’re back to them tags. I’d like to thank Ashley @ Dear World… for adding to the pile of wonderful tags to complete!

With Summer slowly winding down, I figured I’d continue this trend of Summer-influenced tags and awards.

Continue reading [Miscellaneous] Awards/Tags — Summer Reader Book Tag

[Miscellaneous] Awards/Tags — The Sunshine Blogger Award

Miscellaneous is the tagline to store random posts that don’t really belong elsewhere. They may involve tags, awards, challenges, and other book blogging nonsense.


What’s Miscellaneous Today?
The Sunshine Blogger Award

Why hello there!

I’ve decided to take a weeklong break from meme tags and decided to go on the award route instead. I was nominated by Ashley @ Dear World, McKenzie @ Bookish Things and Tea, and Daniela @ Only Books and Horses (I’m sorry it’s taken over a year to get this up LOL). If you nominated me and I forgot, do let me know. The premise for this award is…I don’t really know. By its namesake, I’m going to assume that it features bloggers who have brightened…my day? (SUPER CHEESEBALLS, I KNOW.)

The questions/answers will be colour coded by the individual asking, and because I don’t want to inundate you with 33 total questions, I’ve chosen 5-6 questions from each to answer.

Continue reading [Miscellaneous] Awards/Tags — The Sunshine Blogger Award

[Miscellaneous] Awards/Tags — The Harry Potter Tag

Miscellaneous is the tagline to store random posts that don’t really belong elsewhere. They may involve tags, awards, challenges, and other book blogging nonsense.


What’s Miscellaneous Today?
The Harry Potter Tag

Hello to another week of tags galore! I was tagged by my lovely sweet kernel of corn, Summer @ XingSings, and she thinks “sweet corn” cannot be the used the same as “sweet pea” (in terms of a nickname). Comment below if you agree/disagree with her.

(I’ll fight you for disagreeing.)

Continue reading [Miscellaneous] Awards/Tags — The Harry Potter Tag