[Top Ten Tuesday] – #110 – Summer Beach Reads (16′ Summer TBR)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.


This Week’s Theme:
Summer Beach Reads
(Or Just Summer 16′ TBR)

Initial Thoughts:

I’m no good in stiflingly hot weather. I melt. So it’s not that I wouldn’t go to the beach at all…it’s that I wouldn’t go to the beach to read. Plus sand makes me all kinds of dry in all kinds of places. You’re welcome.

But with Canadian Summer beginning on June 20, these are probably the books I’ll be reading during that time; by which I also mean I’ll probably only get to reading at least one of them.

ever the hunted - erin summerill - book coversteeplejack - hartley - book coversummer days and summer nights - book cover

Ever The Hunted (Summerill)

Uh…fuck yeah I’m reading this soon.

Steeplejack (Hartley)

It’s been a while since I read steampunk, so yeah, it will be fun.

Summer Days and Summer Nights (Various)

If I’m being completely honest, I might just read Leigh Bardugo’s, Tim Federle, and Lev Grossman’s story and call it a day.

towers falling - jewell parker rhodes - book covermy kind of crazy - robin reul - book covervassa in the night - sarah porter - book cover

Towers Falling (Rhodes)

I remember where I was during 9/11, do you? (But really, this story is one of those MG reads I’m drawn to because of the nature of the story.)

My Kind of Crazy (Reul)

I’ve come to the realization that I actually read contemporaries very quickly in comparison to genre stories. And upon reading the first chapter, it seemed ridiculous(ly fun?). Plus male POV in contemporary romance fiction is always interesting to me.

Vassa In The Night (Porter)


it looks like this - mittlefehldt - book cover9780399175411_OutrunTheMoon_BOM.inddJulia Vanishes - Catherine Egan - book cover

It Looks Like Here (Mittlefehldt)

I think this book could either go really well or really bad.

Outrun The Moon (Lee)

Reading this for me. Like, my culture me.

Julia Vanishes (Egan)

The protagonist (with ability to be unseen) sounds a lot of Anonymous from Zeroes, who is my favourite character in that series, SO OF COURSE I WOULD READ THIS.

Beach Reads

Okay but let me attempt to give some recommendations following the real prompt this week for beach reads:

joe abercrombie - half a king (cover)V23 new typeface tagline.inddThe Deal - Elle Kennedy - book cover

Half A King (Abercrombie)

This is such an easy fantasy read due to its effortless pacing that will keep you flipping through the pages and an uncomplicated world. (If you need more of a sales pitch, my somewhat glowing review here).

Tell Me Three Things (Buxbaum)

Okay, so I didn’t like this book as much as other people did (reason being it has plotting flaws) BUT it is a quick read because it’s driven by email/text narratives that are more-or-less witty. Plus, I hear if you like Simon Vs., you’ll enjoy this book. (If you want to know three thoughts I had about this book, click here.)

The Deal (Kennedy)

This one is a shout out to all you blogger friends who read New Adult. I only recommend this book if you’re one to typically enjoying reading sexy times in the contemporary romance genre because a lot of this story doesn’t logistically make sense. (Otherwise, you can read about my rant-y review here.)




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35 thoughts on “[Top Ten Tuesday] – #110 – Summer Beach Reads (16′ Summer TBR)”

  1. I don’t like hot weather either, but I think I hate winter more haha. Right now it’s freezing down here in Argentina and I wish it would be spring already! Anyway, Ever The Hunted and My Kind Of Crazy sound like great reads and I LOVE the idea of Outrun The Moon. And like you, I’m not sure I want to read every story in Summer Days And Summer Nights…


      1. Haha I wish I could! And I’m not really into (sappy) romance in the first place, so maybe those stories from authors that normally write something completely different turn out to be better? It definitely leaves you wondering though.


  2. I have an e-ARC of My Kind of Crazy that I never got around to reading. It was a book that I really wanted to read too. It sounds so good though, so I think I’ll try to read it soon. I need Ever the Hunted, ughhh. I hope it’s as awesome as the book cover!


    1. I’ve heard only good things for Ever The Hunted — but…you know how I am with hyped books LOL. So I’m trying to read it soon before it gets even more hyped.

      I really do want to read it because I’m fascinated by this promposal phenomena. Like…HOW ARE PEOPLE SO CREATIVE?!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I tend to not like hyped books as much as everyone else. That’s probably why I don’t read them right away anymore lol. Let the hype die down or something. Hopefully you like it though and the hype doesn’t completely ruin it for you. Hah.

        I’m curious about the promposal too. I don’t know how people are so creative. I lack all things creative, so I guess it’s fun living through others.


  3. I’m planning on reading some summer reads myself. I just hope I’m able to get through all the books I have planned for the summer! Awesome list!


  4. Summer Days and Summer Nights is basically my go-to easy reading sesh and even though I’ll probably feel bad about it later I don’t really mind skipping some stories if they bore me.
    Outrun the Moon is one book I am excited to get my hands on. This year has been a good one in terms of historic fiction.
    I also plan on reading Half a King but since I’m on a book ban until October (I clearly hate myself to impose such a ban) I might have to wait a while to get my hands on the book.


    1. What’s funny about Summer Days etc. is that I heard the authors who typically write non-Contemporary books wrote the “better” stories. So that’s exciting because that’s who I was gunning for reading mainly LOL.

      I’m not too big on historical fiction but it’s a genre that’s growing on me…ish!

      Now you’re making me want to go read the next book in the Shattered Seas trilogy. Ugh.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. But then in winter, I’m like give me back summer!!!
    I love Half a King! I still need to finish off the series tho..I suck at finishing series, it’s actually ridiculous.


    1. INCORRECT. IN WINTER, I PROCLAIM MY LOVE FOR WINTER LOL. I’d rather have to layer my clothes to prevent freezing than to have to frolic naked due to heat.

      I was informed the second book takes on a different POV, which is why I was bummed to really continue it (actually no, it’s because I didn’t own book 2 at the time but anyways). I’m sure Abercrombie has concocted another gray lead I can enjoy following around the Shattered Sea!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I completely agree that reading contemporaries goes way faster than reading other genres…Maybe that’s why I enjoy them more! I really, really want to read My Kind of Crazy, too.
    And good call recommending The Deal to all of us sexy time fiends! You know how I feel about my cracker. 😉 We had s’mores camping this weekend and it reminded me of him. Lol.


          1. LOL. If only I did take Philosophy…
            Funny thing. I gave this series to my BFF who for her birthday. She hasn’t read them yet. We were talking today and I was telling her all about Graham cracker and she was wishing she could cancel her plans tonight to read The Deal.


  7. I would probably be reading Outrun the Moon sometime this month too. I have high hopes that this one actually has real influence from Chinese culture besides the character names.

    To be honest, Tell Me Three Things always seem a bit too stalker-y to me. But I really liked Simon vs so… maybe I will read it.


    1. Though I haven’t read any of Lee’s books, I’ll put trust in the few individuals of Chinese heritage that I talked to who did end up enjoying the book.

      I think Tell Me Three Things focuses on how desensitized we are to social media and so the characters in the book just accepted the correspondences with open arms (BUT LIKE NOOOOOOO WHY).


  8. Towers Falling has one of the most eye-catching covers I’ve ever seen. *adds to TBR*


    1. The reviews are polarizing so far but I really wanted to read it because it’s one of those perspectives I’d love to see from kids who grew up NOT really having “experienced” it in real time. Like, I remember verbatim where I was and what class I was in when that day hit. Tragic.


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