[Top Ten Tuesday] – #109 – Books I Feel Differently About After Time Has Passed

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.


This Week’s Theme:
Books I Feel Differently About After Time Has Passed

Initial Thoughts:

Let me just begin to chronicle some important books I remember reading since the beginning of time. Some of the dates may be a year or two off because I don’t exactly remember.

…this post might be just me admitting my ancient elder status.

I Spy Books

Time passed: 18 years ago.

It’s likely I’ve replaced I Spy with Sudoku puzzles but I still stand by the thought that some those pictures were hard to find the items described.

Rainbow Fish

Time passed: 18 years ago.

I do not remember this story at all except I was always entranced by the shiny scales. Psychedelic almost.

The Boxcar Children

Time passed: 16 years ago.

Did anyone actually enjoy writing book reports? If I’m being honest, I probably read only the first few chapters and bullshit the rest of it. As one does.

Chicken Soup For The Soul

Time passed: ~14 years ago

My brother was the only consistent reader in the famjam and he had quite a few of these books. I couldn’t tell you what any of them were about though.

Calvin & Hobbes

Time passed: ~14 years ago

Further to the above, he also owned a lot (almost every edition tier) of these comics; interest sparking due to C&H being featured in the comic section of the local newspaper.

The Outsiders

Time passed: 12 years ago

I mention this book a lot, and truly, it’s one of those first books I actually look past the academic aspect because I appreciated the overall packaging of the themes with the story.

Lord of the Flies

Time passed: 10 years ago.

My memory for this book has generally faded for this book other than the snide assmar comments. I do remember working on a group project for this though; else, I forget most of what happened.

Catcher in the Rye

Time passed: 9 years ago.

I disliked Holden then but I absolutely loathe him now.

The Handmaids Tale

Time passed: 8 years ago.

I’m sure I still remember all of the little symbolic things in this story but most of all is that fucking ending.

All the Shakespeare

Time passed: 8-11 years ago

Let’s be honest here: I would not have succeeded in reading Shakespeare on my own. And while Shakespeare might be the man, I don’t have much interest in delving back into any of it.


Almost all of my opinions on fiction change over time.


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43 thoughts on “[Top Ten Tuesday] – #109 – Books I Feel Differently About After Time Has Passed”

  1. I just read The Handmaid’s Tale in Dec…I know, shame. I really loved it, though, and that was quite an ending.


  2. The Lord of the Flies is quite possibly one of the most confusing books I read in high school and I definitely don’t remember anything XD
    ~Riv @ Forever Obsession


  3. it’s been 4-5 years since I last read Lord of the Flies, and I still remember everything about it. Only because I studied it though, and I had to look for meaning in every sentence. It was definitely …something. Symbolic would be the right word. I remember less of the details/symbolism in The Handmaids Tale, but I can’t forget that ending.


      1. I recall watching all the adaptations and even going to watch it being performed. I won’t forget it that easily 🙂 I’m really sick of it now haha.


  4. I loved I Spy books, but sometimes I didn’t understand how they were for kids. They were so hard sometimes! I don’t think I ever read Rainbow Fish, but I know it by the shiny fish and I agree; I was always entranced by his sparkles. My younger sister used to love reading the Chicken Soup for the Soul books lol. I think I read a couple stories from one when I was a kid, but never actually read them all the way through. I remember reading The Outsides and Lord of the Flies for school. I liked them a lot when I read them, but right now I wouldn’t be able to tell you much about them. Totally forgot pretty much everything. I kind of want to reread Lord of the Flies though.


    1. I think Chicken Soup was one of those pick up randomly and read a few stories then put them back down — at least that’s what I did if I remember correctly.

      I kinda want to go back and [challenge?] myself with the I Spy books again. They’re fun, and I’m a simple person to keep entertained LOL.


  5. I can definitely see why you’d be entranced by the shiny scales in Rainbow Fish. Shiny things = automatic selling point haha.
    Glad to know I’m not the only one that’s not on the Shakespeare bandwagon. The only work I actually managed to get a good grasp on on my own was The Tempest and I wouldn’t exactly call that a masterpiece. Now I can appreciate adaptations of his work and the BBC’s The Hollow Crown has been my current TV addiction.


    1. I was a very simple child back then (and still am probably a very simpleton as you read this). While I guess I have to [thank?] Shakespeare for all of his source material for the countless adaptations, I think I just like the ideas of his plays more-so than actually read them ahhaha.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Haha, I love how you included how much time had passed! I barely remember any of my childhood books – there are books on Goodreads I’ve rated as ‘read’ and yet have no recollection of whatsoever.

    BUT. I remember Chicken Soup for the Soul. They’re usually a colletion of really sad stories that are I think true? There would be like Chicken Soup for the Kids’ Soul or something like that.

    I also read The Outsiders academically but enjoyed it past that aspect — and like you, I have NO interest reading Shakespeare if not for school.


    1. I’m sure I only know bits and pieces of the books from way back — the important moments, probably. But yes! I think our home mainly had Chicken Soup for the Teen’s/Mother’s soul.

      I’d go as far to say that I lack the interest to even watch Shakepeare plays hahaha. Unless maybe if it was at the actual theater. That I could go for maybe once in my life.


  7. I had to read Lord of the Flies for my GCSE English class and I hated it!! With a large amount of passion! I still remember some of what happened, but I just wanted to shoot myself every time we opened that book. I still have my notes copy lying around somewhere – the hatred may come from the fact that we studied it for two years…


      1. The entire final exam was based on that book and poetry, so I had two English classes, one for poetry and one for that book. I didn’t like poetry any better!! 😂😂


  8. I love Shakespeare, actually in college I mostly studied his work haha. Though, I’m not a big fan of Romeo & Juliet even if the sonnet and verses from it are pretty.

    I love Rainbow Fish and when I have kids they will read it and hopefully love it too.

    Lord of the Flies totally traumatized me when I was forced to read it in school. My older sister loves The Outsiders though I haven’t read it which apparently is a disgrace.

    Thanks for sharing!
    ~Brittany @ Brittany’s Book Rambles.


    1. You’re so hardcore for studying Shakespeare. While I’m sure there would be lovely discussions to be had, I’d be utterly lost with the language ahahha.

      And omg your kiddies are going to grow up with Grisha shrines etc. etc. etc. They’ll be so badass.


  9. Oh my gosh, Chicken Soup!! I totally remember those! They were always sold at school book fairs. And haha, I always mention Lord of the Flies as one of my favorite classics… but really all I can remember is that Simon was a Christ figure.


  10. I feel you on Holden. I thought he was bad while reading it; now, a few years later, I can’t stand to even think about him. What a phony.


  11. Funny thing, some of these books I haven’t delved into yet (like “catcher”). I avoided Shakespeare forever because I was sick of him in school–all we read were the damned tragedies and maybe 1 sonnet a year. I bypassed the Shakespeare option for the lit requirement and went straight to Mythology instead (a lot more fun). Well, starting in January I’m going to revisit the Bard, but ALL of it, not just the tragedies, and take my time with them. I think it was the way we approached it in school that made me never want to read Shakespeare. Seriously “he’s an important playwright so read it” isn’t conducive to learning. i wanted to understand why he was considered so good, and who were his contemporaries so we can compare and contrast styles and maybe understand his popularity. THAT is what I wanted, but we never did that.
    I’m a teacher at heart, but what drove me away from teaching Literature is I never wanted to have to teach Shakespeare. Maybe I should have gone for it anyway so I could help kids avoid the struggles I had with my own teachers…well, hindsight is a skank and all.


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