[Top Ten Tuesday] – #66 – Top Ten TV Moments (So Far) in 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. I thought this would be a fun way to share a condensed version of potential rambles and thoughts that I have.


This Week’s Theme:
Top Ten TV Moments (So Far) in 2015

Initial Thoughts:

Today’s prompt looks at our Top Ten Favourite Books (so far) of 2015—and it’s one I could complete—but considering I’ve been slumping for months and read exactly 10 books this year (most of them suffering from mediocrity–imo), I’m going to have to adapt this week’s theme to something I’m more familiar with. I thought about including films into the mix but I figured television had enough substance for me to roll around and die in feels with. Hopefully this doesn’t decrease my street cred as a book blogger.

But really, the only requirement for moments to stand out to me are: a) to make me have feels or b) to make me think WTFFFF? I’m a simpleton, obviously. All links refer to their IMDB site.


 How to Get Away With Murder:

If I say that scene, will you know what I’m talking about? At this point, I’m not even concerned with the motivations of the penultimate scene (although it does raise some eyebrows), it’s that scene at the end. Ugh. Help me. Never have I ever wanted to play detective more than what this show has encouraged. (Some of this is displayed in this post I wrote about theory crafting.)

Game of Thrones:

It’s not even the last scene that I’m mildly jittery with feels with. I mean, sure, yeah, it’s important for progression and the introduction of other happenings but the “oh shit” moment for me was during Hardhome. Pretty sure I screamed expletives of epicness when it cut to black. Legit.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt:

This show far exceeded any expectations I had. I mean, c’mon, Peeno Noir? A lot of my enjoyment is perhaps deeply rooted in my likeness to post-apocalyptic fiction—even if this turns it on its head—and wonders if there is no cataclysmic, world-ending moment. There’s this balance of curiosity, quirk, and genuine appreciation to life that makes this show wonderful to watch.

Orphan Black:

Do you remember that moment with the grenade—YEAH, WTF, RIGHT? Ugh. Aside from that, this season is proof of the excellence in Tatiana Maslany’s acting with clones pretending to be each other for the cause. Hey, Emmy, can you please consider genre shows now?


This show is complete bananas! I love the different faces that Liv pulls off and its nod to method acting that’s kind of akin to what Maslany does with Orphan Black. AND CAN I JUST SAY THAT OUTDOOR BBQ SCENE? What are my feels right now?! What. Are. My. Feels.


[Finally] catching up on this but it’s hella intriguing. Sick production, too. Well played, Wachowskis.

Mr. Robot:

I am stoked that this show is finally taking off (after a month of waiting post early pilot release). I really hope it gets the audience it deserves because everything just feels so right with the delivery of this show. Rami Malek is on point as the lead. The official trailer is freaking gripping–you should give it a go.

The 100:

I would never have imagined that CW would have that much gusto to put that much bloodshed into one scene…and I love them that much more for it.

Sing It On:

After the mess of Pitch Perfect 2 as a representation of a cappella culture that only panders to satire comedy (which I will be the first to admit I did laugh at), this show really brings it home. Some of the arrangements are so chillingly good and is a show you should watch if you appreciate docu-series and/or a cappella music. It does try to throw poop at the fan sometimes but surely it is all in good fun. (My Pitch Perfect 2 review has some ICCA sets that are fun to watch if you’re interested.)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D:

I’ll admit that parts of season 2’s inhuman arc felt muddled. However, I cannot discount the part involving some underwater scene in Season 1 versus the their growth up and toward the upcoming season to be anything short but excellent. And that cliffhanger just reaffirms my question: why can’t people I like just be happy?

Honourable Mentions:

The Vampire Diaries:

While I think most of this season was a steamy pile of poop, the character arc of Caroline halfway through the season (and the reasons that spawned certain actions) was a touching moment; even if the show made it about Damon instead (which I don’t even know why…). I don’t even care for the finale to be honest.


This season just began so I can’t help but by ecstatic of its return.

Arrow/The Flash:

The crossover episodes made for some really good dynamics between the characters. While I’d love for them to do it more often, I think it’s only good in small doses. I ain’t even gonna start with my dislike for Gustin not being cast as Barry/Flash in the film…


On another note, the pilot for Scream (yes, the slasher horror Scream from the 90s) airs tonight (6/30/15) as well! This I need to check out.

I watch way more television shows than I let on above but I’d definitely recommend any of the above for your viewing pleasure. (At least try the pilot out if you’re interested!)

If you want to chat television, hit me up in the comments below or tweet me out! But more importantly, leave a link to your Top Ten Books Read So Far in 2015–I’ll definitely try to make my rounds blog hopping!


connect: afterthoughtAn // twitter  |  anotherafterthought // goodreads


42 thoughts on “[Top Ten Tuesday] – #66 – Top Ten TV Moments (So Far) in 2015”

  1. Tatiana Maslany is EVERYTHING. I love Orphan Black. And the grenade scene made me super sad. I didn’t care much for Vampire Diaries either. I had lots of strong opinions about how it ended, but now I don’t quite remember what they were, only that I was annoyed.


    1. Yeah TVD did feel pretty wonky in writing–not to mention the concept of the show, in theory, lives and dies with Elena. So I don’t even know where they’re going to head now. I blame cast members falling in-and-out of relationships. Always ruining the show’s dynamic, ugh.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have been in a terrible slump this year, too–only 17 books, so my top ten was a top five! The TV angle is fun. I completely agree about Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. That was a terrific surprise. Orphan Black…I was all ready to abandon it but the finale brought me back around. And as for GoT–they could have stopped at Hardhome, it was so powerful. Haven’t seen Sense8 yet but from everything I’ve read, definitely need to check it out.


    1. I really didn’t know what to think of Kimmy Schmidt but the episodes just flew by–so I guess that should receive the highest compliment haha.

      I agree with the possibility of ending it at Hardhome. it would have been an equally heart-stopping (and otherwise epic) cliffhanger to the season.

      I hope you enjoy Sense8 whenever you get the chance!


      1. Hahaha. Yeah. I thought it was decent. I’ll probably watch one more episode to see if it gets any better. I only like that one super self-aware “we’re totally in a TV show” character, whatever his name was. He was pretty great. Everyone else? Yeah, no. Lol.


  3. Dude. This is YOUR blog; and you can post what you please. Therefore, book blogger cred sustained.

    HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER IS MY SHOWWWW. YES. THAT SCENE. THAT SCENE THOUGH!!! Seems like you got a lot of good shows here but HTGAWM is just EVERYTHING. Here’s my TTT: http://wp.me/p6aDX4-4c


    1. Right. But it dilutes the title if you call yourself one thing but exercise another; even if it’s your own space. Not saying you shouldn’t be do as you please but surely it’s a tad off if (for example) you call yourself a book blogger but only review tv/movies (and don’t give yourself that title). The subtleties of niche blogging, I guess.

      I hope they’re able to stretch HTGAWM to be a full 22/23 episode season. Buuut who knows what Shondaland will do!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah, I understand your point. It’s true it wouldn’t be a book blog if you never posted about books. I wasn’t thinking about it in that context considering you got in a bit of a reading slump. Hm, but still—interesting way to think of it.

        YESSS. It needs to be longer! When it was over, and I realized I had to wait to September, it was just…nooo! But time to rewatch Annalise’s badassery in court (if I ever find the time)!
        Shondaland can do anything! *crosses fingers so hard*


  4. That thing with the grenade was long overdue, honestly. I think the best laugh I got from OB this year was Alison introducing Cosima to her mother, but my favorite moments were those whackado oddballs Helena and Donnie doing gruesome yet somehow adorable criminal activities.

    Also, I feel like the entire run of HTGAWM was one moment after another of “omg THAT SCENE.” I need it to come back, but I don’t know if my heart can take it.


    1. I really enjoyed the dynamics between Helena and Donnie (not to forget the Jesse Towing scene with Mike Ross–classic).

      Haha, yeah I know how you feel with the continual onslaught of HTGAWM bananas. It didn’t even have to be crazy plot-driving moments either. Just watching Viola Davis in court gives me goosebumps. Craaaazy good.


  5. I agree that if Tatiana Maslany doesn’t get an Emmy or Golden Globe or whatever (I get the awards all mixed up), some heads need to roll. I didn’t love the Stefaline part of TVD, but enjoyed the whole Gemini/Kai/Damon/Bonnie storyline. Soooo do you think they’re going to bring back Jon Snow?


    1. So many people hate Kai but I actually enjoyed his presence on the show (if a tad bittersweet).

      Did you read the books ASOIAF? I don’t want to say anything in fear of spoilers. But I loved it when the world stopped moving because of what happened to Snow LOL.


  6. Orphan Black though ❤
    I was able to completely catch up and then watch the last two episodes when they aired live. I flew the seasons and I love the show so much!
    I've been thinking about trying out Sense8. I've been a few of my friends mentioning it on FB.
    I started to watch iZombie, but then I got bored of it and stopped watching. I probably didn't give it enough time though, to be honest. I only watched 3-4 episodes, I believe.
    Great post! 🙂


    1. At this point, I’m hoping that Paul has a clone somewhere…. (please, my ship :(!)

      You should try out Sense8 even if it’s just the pilot. You never know, right?

      And if you didn’t enjoy any of the eps 1-4 then I’m not sure if you’d like the rest of it (though the season is pretty short if you’d want to power through). The drama does kick in 3/4 of the way through if I remember correctly but it still does follow the same “Liz eats brain to solve murder mystery” as it relates to the overall arc.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Paul 😦 I had a love/hate for him throughout the show and now I totally miss him. If there isn’t a clone Paul, I’ll be forever sad.
        I have a three day weekend, so maybe I’ll try to get in some episodes of Sense8.
        I might try iZombie again. A lot of people have been talking about it. I think I just had so many shows going at the time and had to ditch one and that was the one I wasn’t too into at the time.


  7. DUDE THAT SCENE. THAT SCENE IN HTGAWM. What even? WHAT EVEN? Why am I repeating myself? BUT HONESTLY. Why is the season premiere so far away?


  8. OMG that first season of How to Get Away with Murder was amazing!! I cannot wait for season 2 xD
    I agree with you on your GoT scene pick!
    And OMG yeah that BBQ scene in IZombie!!!


  9. I am an iZombie freak! I’ve never had an interest in The Walking Dead or anything else zombie and just recently read my first zombie-like book. But iZombie? Everything takes a backseat to it.


  10. I loved Orphan Black series one and two, and think Tatiana Maslany is an amazing actress, but… i quit series three very early on. It was getting too convoluted, with too many unconnected side plots and the male clones just kind of bored me.

    The 100 and SHIELD are two of my faves. I also love The Blacklist, but that’s another show that’s only held up by one person’s amazing acting ability (James Spader, though ♥).


    1. I’ve seen the argument for convoluted writing in some fans–so I totally understand where you’re coming from.

      I love Spader, and particularly enjoyed the fact that Reddington was the voice of Ultron (which I found hard to get into after I kept seeing Reddington in his riduclous hat as the baddie Ultron). I also enjoyed the Keens working together too much to describe.


  11. I’m sorry but what scene are you talking about in HTGAWM? It could be anything really. Practically every episode has that one scene. I have soooo many shows on my to-watch list and top it all off with my TBR, I have one messy life. Also not good since I’m graduating next year lol.


  12. Glad you were able to adapt this theme to your own liking! I do not watch television much so I have little knowledge of the shows you discuss, though I agree that Pitch Perfect 2 was kind of a mess (and only slightly in a hot way). Are there any dramas/character-driven television shows you would recommend, either ones featured in this post or not?


    1. Thanks, Thomas!

      I’m not sure I can blindly recommend you television shows without knowing what you enjoy! You’d have to point me in the right direction haha–but a lot of these titles mentioned in this list are definitely solid shows!

      Speaking solely on character-driven shows, I think you may enjoy How To Get Away With Murder. At least, you can try the first few episodes out–it follows/introduces the different students in the main ensemble as they find themselves caught in a crime.

      Another solid one is Orphan Black. The one actress, Tatiana Maslany, plays 1273129837127 clones and they’re all distinct. It’s even more exciting when one clone tries to impersonate another. Really good method acting involved.

      Mr. Robot just started and the protagonist is so well acted and I find it to be incredibly gripping (3 episodes out so far).

      If anything, watch the trailers for these (or any) and then see if there are any sparks going off. Otherwise, you can come ask me again. I’d be happy to help find that next binge watch for you haha.


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