[Top Ten Tuesday] – #13 – Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. I thought this would be a fun way to share a condensed version of potential rambles and thoughts that I have.

This Week’s Theme:
Top Ten Things On
My Bookish Bucket List

Initial Thoughts:

When approaching this week’s topic (like I do for every week’s theme) I asked myself “hey self, how can you change it up this week to make it more interesting and less of an information overload?” And unfortunately, I don’t have a solid answer to that because all I do is roll my face over my keyboard and rambles are created. So no, you and I will just have to suffer through another week of my longwinded points. The struggle is indeed real.

You may be interested in checking out the original bookish bucket-list by clicking here.

The Near Future

1. Invest in an eReader.

I either read with my wannabe brick smart phone or I lug around my ten-pound gaming laptop (which is also an excessive power drain) when I want to read electronic books. It is fair to say that I am an idiot considering the opportunity cost and utility derived is certainly great.

2. Join and/or create a book club.

Though it’s likely going to be the former, I need to get myself into some of these for the sake of a rich meaningful discussion. But dude, there’s so many of these online ones that makes it daunting to select one – I wouldn’t even know where to start. I am certainly open for suggestions!

The Distant Future

3. Attend the 2014 Toronto International Book Fair, Book Expo America, or equivalent.

Conventions can be plenty fun. I’ve only attended and cosplayed at anime/comic conventions (#nojudgment) but I’d imagine that they’re generally the same type of thing.

4. Overcome reading problems.

Motion sickness, loud noises, and uncomfortable settings — you name it. Everything crummy and detracting to the overall reading experience needs to be challenged to see if it can be overcome.

5. Involve myself in book launches/signings.

I mean, why not?

6. Relive the Moment.

I would imagine this applies more to realistic/contemporary fiction than any of the genres I normally gravitate towards, but it’d be totally awesome to live out a moment in a book in that particular setting. Walking down a stretch of land or eating at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant just to parallel a moment in a book. It’s kind of an odd interest but an interest nonetheless.

7. Expansions.

Thoughts and afterthoughts two-point-oh: a dream to be realised with hopes of a greater scope of audience.

The Always

8. Continue creating forward-thinking dialogue.

This is certainly an ongoing mission in line with the hopes of growing my audience and expanding this blog. To support growth while fostering a positive environment that inspires dialogue about books (for now at least), I’m trying to solicit people/friends to churn out reviews. One day I will find someone to join my crusade. But the bucket list portion of this is really as the subheading suggests: a continual effort in saying what I need to say while hoping for an open forum.

9. Unlock mini-achievements.

You know what they say: “an aggregate of small goals results to a big goal”… or maybe they don’t say that but we like to think so anyways. Every new comment, every new like, or every new follower is definitely an achievement unlocked; a small success gained and certainly a tinge of smile-worthy happiness.

10. Write.

Whether prompts, short/lengthy stories, or just jotting down ideas – my thoughts are unhealthily active that call for them to be written down. Indeed, I can stare at a plain white wall and churn up an idea. The imagination is quite the scary thing but writing to inspire in any capacity is something that I look towards doing in the now, and always. Call it wishful thinking if you must.


But through everything listed above, I hope to stay consistent, diligent, and grounded in this whole journey that is blogging. Wow, okay, I need to go watch some Blacklist or something to get my mind out of this intensely super-positive post. It does not bode well for the dark abyss that is my soul.

Anyways, let me know if some of these are on your bucket list or anything of the like! If you’re not from around here, link up your blog and I’ll drop by!


42 thoughts on “[Top Ten Tuesday] – #13 – Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List”

  1. Great list as always! 🙂 I’m not a massive fan of my e-reader, but it is so much easier than carrying around books.


      1. Haha – I think just deciding to start it would be the first step. Finding like minded people with similar tastes would be step two.

        Sure you could figure it out 😉


    1. I wish I could even call mine a smart phone. It’s almost as ancient as a Nokia brick (that’s intensely ancient) and it’s slowly dying on me as the screen blacks out a lot. Thanks for dropping in.


  2. You cosplay?? sweet!!! Let me know when sign-ups for the book club are open 😉 I’d like to join!

    Attending BEA is on my list as well. From what I’ve heard from bloggers and vloggers on Booktube, it sounds like a lot of fun 😀


    1. Indeed I have! Although I don’t think I’ll be merging both worlds anytime soon aha. I’m still undecided about what I want to do (re: bookclub) but I’ll definitely give you a shout out if something happens.

      I can imagine conventions to be pretty rad with plenty of like-minded individuals.


  3. Wow! Great List! I love the Idea of #6! Fans of Nicholas Spark would love it here on the East Coast of North Carolina. He does most of his settings here 😉
    I invested in an eReader…..NEVER use it though. I’m too use to the actual thing. The real thing.
    Check out my bookish bucket list ~ Book Hangovers Blabs Books


    1. I can imagine how that would feel! The closest I think I’ve ever been able to relive a moment is probably Suits (the t.v. show). I think at the end of the day, most people would probably prefer the genuine feeling of holding a book — although I think I’m in the 1% that might think otherwise.


  4. Usually when I’m reading loud noises and the like seem to fade away but when I used to suffer from motion sickness it detracted from my reading, which as you know is very annoying.
    Forcing myself to take deep breaths while reading in a car helped me overcome motion sickness. Breathe, read a passage, breathe, read. You’ll get the hang of it.

    Hope this works! Thanks for stopping by earlier! Happy Reading!


  5. I could go into a seriously lengthy debate and discussion about your first point! I succumbed and now have a Nook Simple Touch ereader (29 quid!) and a tablet. I prefer physical books but when it comes to ebooks I prefer the tablet, so much easier to download and transfer content I think. Get on it!



    1. If I say preach on, would you? Haha.

      I think in the end I just want something to change how I currently read eBooks — so I just lumped tablet/ereader into the same category. Although digital can never really replace physical copies, I actually find myself flying through e-reads a lot quicker! (Maybe I’m just more accustomed to digital literacy…)


      1. Oh don’t, now you’ve practically given me permission I’ll barely be able to shut up! Ranting seems to be a specialty of mine, but I’ll try to hold back just this once.

        I started out reading PDFs on a laptop, it works but “meh”, it wasn’t great. I kind of swap it up between my phone and tablet, because they’re synced it makes life a lot easier, and when a publisher sends me a book it’s really easy to put it on the tablet, not so much with the e-reader. I’ll probably use it again at some point but the Nook has been neglected in my top drawer for a while now…


        1. Hear, hear. I don’t think I’d ever tell someone to hold back on ranting — so keep doing what you’re doing!

          And I definitely understand opting toward the power and capabilities that comes with a tablet. I think I’m the same boat: favouring diversity in what can be done (and how it’s used) as opposed to simply being a one-trick pony. But then again, I guess I’d have to consider whether or not I’d invest in another ultrabook (or something to that extreme) before I’d consider the tablet as an option — and by proxy purchasing an eReader instead. It’s all a cost-benefit analysis in the end (and quite the daunting task indeed).


          1. Just started and finished an ebook in one sitting last night and it got me thinking about what you said – that you read ebooks quicker? I’m usually a pretty quick reader but I think even that is a record (unless it’s one of those this-book-is-so-good-I’d-rather-be-a-zombie-tomorrow-and-finish-it, and this one wasn’t). That and when it comes to books for review I find the highlight and note feature brilliant. Still sticking with physical copies for nostalgia and a seriously sexy bookcase, but ebooks are definitely growing on me, especially for those “filler” books, you know those ones you’d have regretted paying bucks for because they were mediocre and you don’t want to keep them?

            Screw the cost-benefit analysis (I do those all day!!lol) just go with your gut and do it! 🙂


  6. Book clubs can be really rewarding. There are a lot on GoodReads, but if you spend some time looking over the different possibilities, you could try out a few and see what what you like. I’m part of a live book club and we meet once a month, but I wish we could meet more frequently! It’s fun to get everyone’s perspective on a book–they are often all different!


    1. That’s what I think I’d enjoy the most too — sharing and talking through various perspectives! Thanks for the advice. I’ll definitely have another look at the clubs on Goodreads. I was definitely overwhelmed by the lot of them when I initially wanted to join one.


  7. Buying an ereader is a good idea. I’ve been looking into it and it’s probably a good investment. There’s just something about reading an actual book though.


    1. I’d say it’s a fair investment if the cost of the physical copies broke even with the price of the eReader/tablet. But in the end: to each their own. I mean, who’s to say you shouldn’t be allowed to hold and read a physical copy anyways?


  8. First, this list is awesome!

    Second, invest in the ereader. I’d recommend a Nook simple reader (that’s what I bought and don’t regret it – you can borrow and lend books).

    Third, check out the “book clubs” on Goodreads. I joined a few and they’re great, a few even given away free books in exchange for reviews.


    1. Thanks! I need to get around to deciding which one I might want (there are way too many choices). Now that I think about it, i think I may have joined a book club on GR — just need to take the next step and be more proactive with them!


  9. I bought a second-hand Sony Reader off Amazon last year – partly to avoid the straight-up Kindle and because they were the only reader that has a library book download link installed when you get it. Kobo is the brand that’s working to support independent bookstores with ebook purchases, which I think is also a worthy goal. But I mostly keep the ereader nearby for emergency situations – print books are still easier to get hold of when you work in a library!

    For book clubs, I’ve been considering the Book Smugglers once-a-month Old School Wednesdays – it’s always a sf/f book at least 5 years old, chosen by poll. But they (and, it seems, their readers) have good taste – I haven’t actually managed a formal review in combination with them yet, but I’ve seen a lot of good thoughts about a lot of good books go by.


    1. I can understand that. I think I personally find eReading more accessible for myself. And sure I’ll link that up — I actually wouldn’t have second-guessed there to be an actual original version since each TTT is pretty much a bucket list in and of itself!


  10. I want to attend book conventions too. Before getting into this blogging thing I didn’t even know they existed. I’m a huge dork who goes to the Emerald City Comicon–and while that’s fun I’d love to go to a convention because books.

    Our lists did match up quite a bit. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. 🙂


    1. I think the true internal debate is whether or not a tablet would serve my needs better. I know I’ll definitely be happy when I purchase one — it’s deciding and getting to that point that’s certainly daunting!


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