[Top Ten Tuesday] – #72 – Auto-buy Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. I thought this would be a fun way to share a condensed version of potential rambles and thoughts that I have.


This Week’s Theme:
[Potential] Auto-buy Authors

Initial Thoughts:

Considering last weeks post (re: Authors I’ve Read The Most Books From), this post is sort of an extension of it.

See: I haven’t read a whole bunch from the authors I’ve read; this makes the status of auto-buy author quite dubious to validate. Moreover, for me, interest in future publications isn’t grounded solely on the namesake but also what the story will be about. Most of the time it takes having read 2+ books to win that golden ticket toward auto-buy stardom…but then there are series that kind of break this rule so I don’t really know what to say…

With that in mind, I will give you a list of current authors who I’ve read only one book from who could reach that auto-buy title (not that my singular accolade means anything).

Andrew Smith –

Never have I ever seen so much prepubescent male content written with such precise gusto in The Alex Crow

Victoria Aveyard –

You know what? I’ll give Red Queen (despite my eloquently rationalized-yet-angry-review) the benefit of the doubt. If Glass Sword elicits another fucking 2.5k word review—I’m so done…SOOOO DOOONNEEEEEEE WITH YOOOOUUUU.

Scott Westerfeld –

As 1/3 of the brainchild behind Zeroes, this dude [and his own fellowship] Gandalf’d the Balrog (alias: Reading Slump) from crossing the bridge of Khazad-dum…

Andrew Critchley –

I never got contemporary—even if I didn’t read that much of this genre—this man made me swim drown in my pool of realistic feels.

Francesca Haig –

She’s a good writer (and an even better poet I presume) but The Fire Sermon presented an awesome premise full of intrigue only to plummet into a mess…very quickly (and by quickly I mean like after 20% of the book). I’m hoping for the best in its follow-up but I don’t hold my breathe that I know I’m holding for it.

David Lomax –

Here was a random book that caught me off guard. Backward Glass is such a good YA Sci-Fi time travel book; highly underrated due to exposure but something I’d recommend.

Max Barry –

See: in this case, I did enjoy Lexicon but if I’m not even interested in viewing the Syrup film, then you best believe I don’t have any inclinations for reading it. Maybe Jennifer Government, though?

Alex London –

While I own Proxy’s sequel, Guardian (though I have no read it), Proxy was a mosaic of robust commentary and intersectional characters. If Guardian is anything like Proxy then I’ll surely enjoy it, and this dude will earn some cool points for it.

Kim Thuy –

A voice of Asian culture and immigrant experiences, Ru ranks among the shortest books I’ve ever come across (not to mention the glorious white-space in the book). But in those ~150 pages was something that hit a familial chord for me.


That being said, there are probably plenty of other authors whom I still haven’t dabbled with reading (i.e. Morgenstern’s Night Circus, Malerman’s Bird Box, Carey’s Girl With All The Gifts, Abercrombie’s Shattered Sea, Brown’s Red Rising, Maas’ Throne of Glass, Schwab’s A Darker Shade of Magic, … and so many more).

So, we’ll see.


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21 thoughts on “[Top Ten Tuesday] – #72 – Auto-buy Authors”

  1. I’ve read a lot of Andrew Smith but he still hasn’t hit that auto-buy status. I do get what you mean about how he writes male characters though because it’s written similarly in almost every Smith book I’ve read.
    And I personally didn’t like Lexicon but I 100% blame that on the fact that it was my summer reading book a year ago.


      1. I read it for school! I thought it was.. okay the first time I read it. However, the assignment was to pick a bunch of quotes and write about its importance and message so by the time I finished, I was sick of the book.
        LOL I doubt it. I think I’d be a little scared of men if all of them thought the same way as his characters XD


  2. I must check out Ru, I would like to see the view of other marginalized PoCs rather than just being preoccupied by my own oppression. I need to learn. I think that’s one thing that’s so valuable about diverse literature. When done right, and with accurate representation, it can give those that aren’t a part of that type of diversity to better understand, and learn not to assume stereotypes; and it’s a way to do that without the common, ignorant questions that usually aggravate. I feel I have so many questions, and want to learn about so many cultures, but you can never really ask those questions without bringing the person receiving the inquiry exasperation. You know? I don’t even know why I just wrote that long ass letter to you, but it’s been a while since a real long comment, yeah? I just have so much to say.

    (Not that it necessarily has to be about suffering. I hate most books about blacks suffering)

    I did a double take at seeing Aveyard on the list. I am pleased to see Smith because WINGER, YO. WINGER. I am also pleased to see London because I am a fan of him although I also haven’t read Guardian. HE’S SO GREAT AGSJXNKVLLBBLL.


    1. The world is definitely wider than we’ll ever experience but you do have to rub salt on the wound before it heals. But a lot of the times we’re just rubbing dirt instead. Humans are so stupid sometimes. (WOW, THIS IS PATENT PENDING. I’M USING THIS SOMEWHERE IN MY WRITING IN THE FUTURE LOL.)

      Everyone says Winger is their favourite (among which Lumi is the biggest advocate. probably) but I still don’t know why…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You have to read it to understand.

        Patent pending for sure!!! Yes, they really can be, and it’s exhausting.




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