[Miscellaneous] Awards/Tags — The Real Neat Blog Award

Miscellaneous is the tagline to store random posts that don’t really belong elsewhere. They may involve tags, awards, challenges, and other book blogging nonsense.


What’s Miscellaneous Today?
The Real Neat (Book) Blog Award


  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blog.
  • Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.
  • Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog, etc.)

I was nominated by Wesaun @ Oreos and Books to bring you this award-tag-thing. Thanks Wesaun for the award!

Here are her questions:

1. If you could go hang out with 2-3 characters for a day, where would you go (fictional), what would you do and why would you do it?

Two-to-three characters to hang out with? Golly, I don’t know. Phil Coulson (Agents of SHIELD), Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones), Louis Litt (Suits) wombo combo teaming up during one of The Hunger Games. By Hunger Games, I’m really referring to bar-hopping—because food and alcohol will bring out the best in these people, surely. And maybe throw in the scorpion from Orphan Black for good measure.

(Note: If I’m to be completely serious, I would have chosen Johnny Mac from BBUS17 if it was non-fictional people too.)

2. If you could build something using multiple copies of your favorite book of 2015, what would you build, and why?

“Favourite 2015 title” is such a doozy because most of what I’ve read was shoddy so far. So let’s just assume [book title goes here] is my favourite title. I’d probably make myself a bookshelf out of books because I do not have one at the moment. But that’s for utility’s sake. If I was feeling artsy fartsy, maybe I’d make a giant mural/painting/image/canvas/thing with the book cover/back—but I’d really only have a limited palate to work with…

3. What is your favorite color?

My favourite colour is the absence of colours. Black. Otherwise, blue is nice.

4. Sci-Fi or fantasy? Why?

Assuming the genres cannot be an amalgam of SF-F (e.g. speculative fiction), I’ll probably go with SF for now. It’s a hard call. Most of what I read is in the bubble of SF-F but I guess there’s something about the possible in SF that’s neat to me.

5. What are three of your favorite TV show? Which set of characters are most likely to win a swordfight?

I could tell you what food I would want to eat before I die (it’s poutine) a lot more quicker than discerning three favourite television shows. It really depends on how you look at it, because I can’t compare House of Cards with Game of Thrones, Orphan Black with Suits, Sense8 with How to Get Away with Murder, Mr. Robot with The 100, or The Flash with Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. It simply depends.

In terms of a swordfight—a traditional swordfight—none of that magic shit, I have too many feels for Syrio Forel (Game of Thrones) and the theories therein.

6. Why did you start blogging?

I feel like I’ve covered this before, so I will just copy and paste my answer. I haven’t changed perspectives since writing it.

Via. Addictive Blog Award post:

This isn’t a question that needs to be answered out loud. I don’t think you’re less of a blogger if you don’t have a legitimate reason and you aren’t more of a blogger if you can vomit an essay. I feel like“why” you blog is in the content you dish out—it’s the unwritten truths seen through the tiniest of details. The excitement, the opinions, the personality, the value of inspiring thought—it’s all these and more which I believe resonate even the most generic of topics. I’m nowhere close to being where I want to be but at the very least, I’m doing me, and that’s the only blogging tip I’m able to give—just do you and the rest will follow.

Via. Liebster Award 2 post:

If you catalogue your thoughts in any way, you are a blogger. Yes—everyone is a “blogger”—just in different ways. Society likes to put things into bite-sized categories for ease of understanding all while diluting the importance of singular voices in a collective thought. You are a book blogger. You are a social media tycoon. You are a marginalized “person”. While you may fit into multiple boxes, you are also not these things because there’s another voice tapping your shoulder telling you that you aren’t relevant or legitimate or have any voice worth recognizing. And although that can be true, I’m calling bananas on that. So what I meant to say is this: are you breathing? Guess that means you’re still a blogger. 

7. What is your favorite thing to do that is in no way related to the book world, books, or the community?

Gaming? Napping? Eating? Belting songs in the shower?


That’s it! But wait, here are some my ridiculous questions that should get progressively more difficult as you answer them:

  1. Let’s start with something easy: name a book that’s a representation of the world? (Reason with it however you may)
  2. You have to swap blogs with a blogger (inclusive is booklr/booktube/bookstagram) and need to operate it on the same schedule (or not) like the original content creator for a month. Who would you choose? Why?
  3. If you were food (your choice, solid or liquid), what would you be and which author would you want to be devoured by? Why?
  4. Imagine you could travel 100 years into the future with a book and could place it wherever you wanted to be found at that time. But know that whichever book you choose, it will not exist anymore in this current generation (e.g. not published or the ideas never surface). Which book do you choose and why?
  5. Let’s say blogging families are a thing. Which bloggers are your grandparents (e.g. that you look up to for wisdom), your parents (e.g. are pillars of blogging support), and your siblings (e.g. that share similar or different styles but still could relate to you)?
  6. Write a haiku with book titles/author names.
  7. Imagine you have several rows of shelving filled with a multitude of books; from those you own to those on your TBR—all of which you have logged on Goodreads. Behind the shelf is a panic room. To get into the panic room, you have to pull out a book (can you imagine the action?). There is an intruder in your house—a murderer?—well, you don’t want to find out. The thing is, this individual has access to your Goodreads account and can see every single title you’ve listed. You’ve already called the cops and they’re set to arrive within minutes so said individual won’t have time to pull every single book out of the shelves to gain access. Which book do you choose to be your access code? Justify your selection.
My award nominees being tagged for this:

Analee @ Book Snacks

Ashley @ Dear World…

Ashley @ What’s She Reading?

Cristina @ Girl in the Pages

Erika @ Erika in Bookventureland

Josephine @ Josie’s Book Corner

Joy @ Joyousreads

Jesse Nicholas @ Books At Dawn

Liam @ Liam’s Library

Lumi @ Bookish and Awesome

Miguel @ The Quirky Reader

Rachel @ Confessions of a Book Geek

RJ @ Heir of Ravenclaw

Stefani @ Caught Read Handed

Summer @ XingSings

…and you if you would like to do it (it’s a pretty solid schedulable-post!)


Yay! Nonsensical questions are fun LOL. Thanks for reading–now I must go roll around in blogger funsies at the Book Blog Ontario meet-up.


connect: afterthoughtAn // twitter  |  anotherafterthought // goodreads


15 thoughts on “[Miscellaneous] Awards/Tags — The Real Neat Blog Award”



  1. Lol, eating and napping are definitely high on my list of things I like to do outside of blogging and books.
    I think I lean more towards the fantasy than sci-fi, but I’m trying to change that! Sci-fi does really interest me and I’d like to read more from that genre.
    Thanks for nominating me! 🙂 Your questions seem really interesting, I’m looking forward to answering them.



      There’s so much blend with the SF-F genre that I think do enjoy both at the same time. At least, I think most of what I’ve enjoyed has a bit of both haha.

      I hope you have fun answering them! I definitely tried to write-up something different than the normal questions!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Before I had my massive bookcase. I used to use my books to make bookshelves… for other books. True story.

    Gaming I don’t do. But sleep and food, definitely yes. And maybe belting songs in the shower. XD


      1. Well there actually is a technique since you want to be able to make a bookshelf out of books but still be able to pull them out to read. So some are stacked horizontally some vertically. Hardbacks on the bottom because they’re heavier. Same heights together to avoid any precarious teetering action on the edges. Yup.


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