[Top Ten Tuesday] – #43 – Top Ten Reso-goal-utions For 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. I thought this would be a fun way to share a condensed version of potential rambles and thoughts that I have.


This Week’s Theme:
Top Ten Reso-goal-utions For 2015

Initial Thoughts:

Looking Back to 2014:

The previous years’ reso-goal-utions were focused on: expanding the library, get into ARC reviews, start/finish older series, connect with other bloggers, and be more selfless. I think the overall effort was pretty fair. I definitely surprised myself with the number of books I’ve read despite the number of reading slumps (well…only because gaming will always take precedence). It was a good initial year to book blogging.

Looking Forward to 2015:

As it concerns reading:

Tackle Goodreads First Reads Books

…I’ve won several books from this program in 2014 (this trigger happiness in entering these giveaways is way worse than Netgalley), and I’ve shamefully only read two of them fully. Though I have started a few of number of them several times…I’ve always been sidetracked. I’m such a fail. So now I have moved them to my nightstand in hope that I will be slightly encouraged.

Read More CanLit

I mentioned this last week but I’d love to delve into more Canadian Literature. I’ve lived here all my life and I still feel like there’s many parts of this diverse country that I haven’t discovered yet for myself (I’m speaking fictionally of course). I’ll gladly take book recommendations for this if you kind readers know of any (that isn’t the popular names like Atwood or Munro).

Be More Critical

I still feel like there’s more work to be done to fine-tune how I engage reads. Sure, I already talk TOO MUCH nonsense in my reviews but I think there’s room to grow in my analysis. There’s a pretty notable discrepancy in when I first started reviewing to where I am now in assigning metric ratings or making comments—that is to say that I was a lot kinder initially. I need to find some common consistency.

As it concerns blogging:

Blog Growth

It’s been about a year since I started this random adventure and while I’ve sort-of-not-really found a voice in a small niche community, I still think I have a ways to go. The stretch goal is to be self-hosted—anything else there-in, I have no idea what will come of it. I’m just going to keep chugging along and grow this voice in the blogosphere until I think it’s ready to take the next step. (I already have a different domain name/tagline I’m hoping to use—which I hope won’t get taken anytime soon—once all the cards fall into place.)

Consistent Content

Aside from weekly memes (or just naming Top Ten’s), I am simply just terrible at this whole scheduling thing. I think this was the driving reason behind why it’d be nice to have another individual on board to shoot out content.

Connect Better

I am terrible at: commenting and using social media for books specifically. (But geez if it’s something regarding television, I will gladly go on a tweet or DM-frenzy).

Get on Them Features

I have so many half-baked ideas whether it be discussions or monthly projects that I just don’t know how to take the next step to creating.

As it concerns writing:

Novel WIP

Unless I’m hit with a boulder of inspiration, I only have sporadic writing sessions when something comes to mind. So I don’t think it’ll be done within the next year but I’d hope to one day share some of the randomness that goes on in my head—I promise you it’s not ramble-y as this blog.

As it concerns the bookish life:

Community Events

Stay involved with book events in the coming year. The Toronto International Book Fair was pretty fun. I’d like to get involved somehow if it does come back again. Maybe even attend a book-club in the area—the possibilities are limitless really—all I need is the gusto and zero-procrastination to follow through.

Tatted Up

So I have the basic idea for a future bookish tattoo and though I only wanted to get a sleeve at most, the scale of it might require a larger surface (back/chest). The dilemma is real. Gotta keep thinking the design I want on it versus freehanding.


I thought about having a “Change/Coin Jar for Books”, where you only use the loose change to buy your books (put that card away). I’m pretty frugal regarding book buying habits so this doesn’t really work for me—but it might for you if you’re interested in giving it a try so you can tackle your TBRs or think borrowing-first.

Hit me up with what’s your biggest reso-goal-ution in the coming year and/or link up to your list!

Also, if you want to help me understand and develop Thoughts and Afterthoughts, please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. This link will take you to GoogleDocs.


53 thoughts on “[Top Ten Tuesday] – #43 – Top Ten Reso-goal-utions For 2015”

  1. I think you’ve got some great goals. I’m quite good at getting content out but I do want to switch it up a little bit in 2015. Take some risks! Good luck with your goals, Joey!


  2. These are some good goals. My goals start and stop at ‘stop buying more books’. If my wallet could speak, it wouldn’t say anything, because it’d be dead, because I have drained every last penny from it to buy books!


    1. I’ve only conceptualized like a quarter of how I’d want it to look. The basic premise is to capture the essence of different stories that come alive out of book. The main concept that’s in my head is a book on an obtuse angle (re: its spine) and the pages are fanned and open up into different genre depictions and/or meaningful stories/moments. I obviously haven’t thought of how to make it natural looking and not “forced looking” in terms of how a book normally opens up. Which is why I pondered having it look like words/quotes that flow into the image depiction (kind of like a spirit-y essence?)

      So, yes, work in progress, massive tattoo, goodbye wallet.

      I understand if that was a terribly description and you don’t see what I see LOL.


      1. I think I do actually. It sounds amazing, whether or not I’m picturing it the same way you are. I really love the idea of an actual BOOK tattoo. My four bookish tattoos are all inspired by books (Peter Pan, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, HP, and THG). I would love to come up with a book tattoo. Will have to think. 🙂


  3. I’m much less likely to do long posts about TV, but I’ll do a lot of tweeting about it. I’m playing with the idea of incorporating it more into my blog, but I kind of don’t want to THINK about TV is the thing. Hmm. This obviously requires more reflection.


    1. I love thinking about TV shows (if yelling at TV is thinking). But I understand the difficulties in primetime television. You’d either have to write about seasonal recaps, or wait till the end and have to have notes ready to remember the little things that happen. Sure there’s those overarching plots but it’s the little moments which, in my opinion, mean so much more. (Journey > Destination, type of thing.)


    1. LOL THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT TOO. I put them under the first-reads shelf and I swear I won nothing for months. And then last month I took it off and then won something again. It’s a conspiracy.

      Well you could always read Irish lit, especially if you find these books from second-hand stores and the like. Who knows–you might uncover the next Hoover/Maas for you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hmmm… I’m going to get to a couple of them this year and see if I start winning again!!

        I’m fully intending on reading Irish lit this year, even if I didn’t include it in my goals. So many Irish authors are known worldwide and I should take more pride in that! R x


  4. Your goals are awesome and I can back you up in nearly all of them (I don’t really fancy getting a tattoo at this point). I wish you the best of luck!
    Oh, and as for Canadian authors, I read a book this year that was set in Toronto (and might’ve been written by a Canadian? I’m not 100% sure). It’s called “All My Puny Sorrows” and I absolutely loved it. I’m not sure if it’s your cup of tea, but I recommend it highly 🙂


    1. Tattoos, among other things, could be just an inspirational flavour of the year type thing (maybe I’ll change my mind in a year). And so too it could apply for you.

      Yeah I think going through the Giller Prize pool of books is a good place to start to delve into Canadian voices.


  5. I think the goal of reading more lit based on where you’re from is a great one, especially for supporting local and up and coming authors (I should look into reading more authors from my state). If you’re concerned about your future URL being taken, you could always invest in it now, and then it’s safe for when you switch to self-hosted (I goal I would love to achieve eventually too, but I feel like I can’t do that until I’ve more firmly cemented my place in the blogging world.)


    1. I really just want to discover the cultural voice (or what have you) of authors writing about where I live; and what truly depicts a native lands literature. Like, what would American literature be? Surely not just defined by Catcher In The Rye (oh please I hope not–I forget if you are the camp of pro-Holden or not LOL).

      Yeah I was wondering if I should do that but I just haven’t researched the cost of putting a placeholder on the name when the future is so distant–who knows if I’ll be blogging in one year time!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I wish I knew the algorithm to how they choose winners. Conspiracy theorists would say it’s not randomized! (I had a thought that the more reviews you shoot out into Goodreads, the higher the chance…but that wouldn’t make sense for me because I only have about 1-2 a month haha).

      But I literally just sign up for everything, and in particular the ones that give the highest chance of winning (I particularly like the Canada only entries.)

      Annnnnnd I wish I had the time to go to in-person book clubs (let alone keep up with club reads). I think it’d be a good experience! But until then, I’ll just have to settle for my non-existent online clubs on Goodreads.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I agree/feel the same way about ALOT of what you’ve written. Being frugal is REALLY HARD btw (but props to you for being able to do it). I do have two used book stores within 2 miles of my place that sells ex-library and used books for $2 or less, which has more or less resulted in a ton of books that I haven’t opened yet. I want to become more consistent about scheduling as well. Scheduling is one thing, but chugging out content to expand your blog as well/efficiently as possible can get difficult, esp. since life gets in the way. And I also aim to become a better book-reviewer (:

    Hopefully we all get what we want (and more!) in 2015!

    Danee @ Fiction Function


    1. Unless it’s a book I KNOW I’ll read eventually (or am dying to read it), I’m pretty cost-conscious with how I buy books (perhaps because I’d love to save for hardcovers only–and that can reach skyward of $30 sometimes). The only time I can snatch deals like that is when libraries sell their older stock (but that seldom happens).

      But yeah, I think for me it all starts with being grounded in how I go about my content. I mean, once you figure out the things you want to say, scheduling sounds pretty easy I’d say!

      I do hope we all reach a portion of our resolutions (if not all)!


  7. I love the way you broke up your reso-goal-lutions into categories as a way of making sure you improve across the board instead of just in one area. So smart! I definitely need to work on a few of the same things. Hopefully, knowing others are working on the same things will keep us both motivated!


  8. I have so many books I’ve won through good reads that I haven’t read yet either. One the author even emailed me and everything, I feel awful. I should definitely put reading these books on my list too!


    1. What did you see me as? STEREOTYPINGGGGGG.

      I’m glad at least the latest book I’ve won is an ARC. At least that holds more weight because I have that feeling that it’s more important, in a way, than already published books. (But that’s kind of superficial to think about.)


  9. How do you win so many books from Goodreads?!?! I haven’t won a single one, ever. 😦
    And as an aside, while I don’t want to abandon my blog, I would definitely be interested in helping with discussion/features. If you have some ideas you want to bounce around. 😉


    1. I literally enter everything (okay, most things.) That’s the only secret I have–and if it’s any consolation, I get rejected all day with ARCs. So that’s kind of a balance (although it’s probably due to negative galley ratios LOLOL).

      Yeah, I need to figure out something different in terms of features–but it’s difficult stuff yo. I’ll have to stare at my recent survey results and go from there I guess.


  10. You have a lot on your list but they are all good goals. I especially like the Consistent Content one. I really have to work on that. Reading local authors can be rewarding. I’ve discovered some great home grown talent this year. Good luck with your goals. 🙂


    1. Aside from the tattoo, I try to opt into goals that I know I can achieve, even if it’s marginal…it’s something! (Better than eat healthier–as I reach into for a bag of chips and a soda.)

      Yeah, I think as a whole, I was surprised with indie authors the past year and let down by established authors. So it’ll be interesting to transition that into a genre of fiction that I haven’t really explored a great in.


  11. The good thing about book blogging in terms of finding a voice is that you can be flexible, and you have a great record of how your tastes and thoughts develop regarding authors or genres, etc. I also struggle with schedules–another thing to get a handle on in 2015! Happy New Year!


    1. You are too kind!

      I think with goals, people put too much emphasis on starting it and then continuing it (almost forcibly–but I guess that’s the point?). I’d like to think that even if you just gave it a try, that’s at least something (regardless of it working out or not). Or maybe I’m just a lazy optimist haha.

      Thanks for following along with all of my nonsense!


  12. Goodreads first reads! The way I motivate myself to read them is because I know that reviewing first reads means I have a higher chance of winning more first reads. I won several in 2014 as well, and I’d read and review them as soon as I got them because I REALLY WANTED MORE. Haha. I really hope I can win more in 2015… Those giveaways are really good in England because they usually give away more than one copy and only about 100-300 people enter for each one, so the chances are not too bad!

    I read Ultraviolet by R. J. Anderson recently and she’s a Canadian author and the book is set in Canada! I really loved it. So maybe you can check that out if you haven’t already? Otherwise I can’t really think of any other Canadian books that I’ve read… Hmm.

    I really want to do more features as well! But it’s hard thinking of original ideas and putting them into action…

    Good luck with your reso-goal-utions! 🙂


  13. Some great goals there, Joey! I have spurts of activity both on social media and my blog, but am aiming to be more consistent in 2015.

    I also like the idea of a bookish tattoo 😀

    And btw, rambly or not, I would totally read you book 🙂


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