[Top Ten Tuesday] – #92 – Characters Who’d Make Terrible Hostages

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.


This Week’s Theme:
Top Ten Characters Who’d
Make Terrible Hostages

Initial Thoughts:

So with most freebies, the nonsensical topics have voted amongst themselves to see which one is deserving of being featured. And this one will do. Some of these options may fit more for the “captive” definition rather than “hostage” but let’s just assume the context is the same and that there are people wanting them to be freed.

Category: Annoying

It’s either a brilliant idea to be annoying because it takes the villainy fun out of it or they’re hoping to get maimed or something idk. These are my own thoughts as to them being annoying…

Holden Caulfield (Catcher in the Rye)

By virtue of simply not caring for his antics during my academic study of Catcher, Holden would make a terribly annoying captive. Phony phony phony.

Clary Fray (The Mortal Instruments)

User submitted by Jenna @ Reading With Jenna“…she’s just super annoying and never does what she’s told.”

Aaron (The Knife of Never Letting Go)

This Deus ex machina terminator priest dude would probably preach a lot of nonsense and I ain’t about that life. Not even gagging him would do anything.

Joy (Inside Out)

If I was a villain (wait, am I not?), you know how unhappy I’d be if Joy was in the ranks of those captured. She’d be all smiles in the most dire of situations.

Mare Barrow (Glass Sword)

More power to you if you enjoy Mare as a character. It’s just that in GS, she was insufferable to follow. Anyonecanbetrayanyonecanbetrayanyone.

Cadence Sinclair (We Were Liars)

As the captor, you’d be like “eat up” and drop a tray of stale white bread knowing that Cady hasn’t eaten in days. And she’ll be like “um, this isn’t 12-grain…

Robin Arryn or Joffrey Baratheon (Game of Thrones)

Both would probably be crying and I simply cannot deal with either child.

Category: Competent

Reasons why you should profile the victims you choose to hold captive before you actually go about doing it: they’d easily escape, or worse, your villainous monologue will be met with [your] death.

Jesper Fahey (Six of Crows)

You know, I really could have gone with any Dreg (with the exception of Wylan…maybe). But see here: Jesper is undeniably my favorite character from Six of Crows so I must choose him. I’m sure his wit could be annoying but it’s his skill-set that you don’t want.

Anonymous (Zeroes)

Because the question becomes: “…uhhhh who?”

Boy Nobody (The Unknown Assassin)

The YA Jason Bourne. Basically.

Rocket Raccoon (Galaxy of the Guardians)

He’ll make it the 24th escaped prison yaaaaap.

Minions (Minions)

Competent might be a stretch but your interrogation tactics got nothing on these itty bitty yellow dudes; they’re professionals at evading danger.

Killgrave (Jessica Jones)

Unless you do what they did in the show.

Helena (Orphan Black)

Secret: give the promise of unlimited food and maybe she’d be captive willingly…

Ava (Ex Machina)

Only those who have seen this film (it’s a good film, by the way) may understand this character featuring artificial intelligence.

Raymond Reddington (The Blacklist)

The funny thing about this choice isn’t that Reddington is competent himself, it’s that he smartly surrounds himself with others who have the skills necessary to bust him out.


Tried to read 10 per category, and I’m sure there are more that would fit either one, but that’s all I got.

But you tell me: would you rather hold captive someone who’s incessantly annoying or someone who may have the skills to escape?


connect: afterthoughtAn // twitter  |  anotherafterthought // goodreads


53 thoughts on “[Top Ten Tuesday] – #92 – Characters Who’d Make Terrible Hostages”

  1. Definitely someone who would annoy me. I have perfected the skill of ignoring the obvious. I live with 12 other people and consider myself quite good at getting on other people’s nerves as well. Interesting list-as usual, your posts do not disappoint my need for the odd.


  2. First of all, I am in love with this topic. Second… I’d rather hold a competent captive. At least then the stories will be better at the villain parties if I manage to keep them and not get myself killed in the process. Making my way to that ultimate villain status and whatnot.


  3. Joy would definitely piss me off to the max if we were ever captured together. I could probably see the other captives killing her just so she’d shut up haha. I agree with Clary as well. Going against someone’s wishes is one thing but this girl takes things to a whole new and very annoying level.
    Jesper would be annoyingly charming. He’d work his magic, smile that beautiful smile all the while making his move to escape. 😀


  4. This is genius. I would like to kidnap Holden and torment him with witty repartee and perhaps cupcakes. That would really annoy him and is a tried and tested method I use on the teenagers I teach. I love this list.


  5. I think I would want the annoying choice. I have a kid. Kids can be annoying, so I could easily ignore. Someone like Red would get away from me way too quickly. Although, the conversation with him would be pretty amazing.


  6. Well, I personally would rather have competence over annoying, annoying -you might just shoot them and be done with it!! Competents (my little Minions) will keep life interesting…LOL I really liked this post!


  7. How do you come up with these topics? The entire post and your choices are brilliant!!! I want to see someone try and kidnap Anonymous. They’d put him in the car (or whatever vehicle they try to take him with) and then just forget he’s there. Being him that’s like one of the few moments I’d find it hilarious to have those powers.


      1. Really? I don’t think I could handle the isolation and everyone forgetting me. I’ve experienced it first hand when a majority of the people who were in your life completely forget about you and it’s no fun. I would only want his powers if I could control them to the T without much effort.


  8. Love this whole topic! Brilliantly creative 😀 Joy is rather annoying but you could as I mentioned, gag her…or just put a bag over her head 😛 not hard to keep in captivity I guess LOL


  9. Haha, this is great! Honestly, Jesper is just a stupid hostage choice. Do you want to be shot in the face? And Joy would be the world’s worst hostage. Why are you so cheerful when you’re being held captive?!
    Great post 😀


  10. I’d definitely hold someone whose annoying rather than someone who has the means to escape. Who knows, if they escape they might stop by and punish me on their way out!
    But someone annoying, who can’t possibly get out, would be a joy to observe (am I sounding a little twisted at the moment? IDK)


  11. I saw Reddington my immediate thought was: “The guy doesn’t even need to do much but talk a little, and BOOM, someone is out to spring him free.”

    Then again, Killgrave kind of just talks a lot too. But I still have the last four episodes of Jessica Jones to finish, so I will continue to think Killgrave is MAD OP.


  12. These are great lists. I would probably pick someone annoying, because, as a villain, I would have minions who can deal with them instead of forcing myself to interact with the annoying hostage.


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